
Can a Number 1 Ranking In Google really be achieved?

Tips on Site and Business Promotion Issue 449, 2010

Hi computer and the surounding,

Here's another exciting AddMe newsletter for this week, our friend Suzzi Law has provided another interesting read about the never ending battle to get number one position in Google.

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Can a Number 1 Ranking In Google really be achieved?

There are some that say yes, there are some that say no. Google says no, some promotion companies say yes? What say you?

The fact of the matter is, if you are lucky enough to have a website on the 1st page of Google then my hats off to you, remarkable work – well done, I am sure you are getting lots of visitors and a fair amount of sales too! So all good news.

But, hold on, step back for a minute; It is all going so well, the money is coming in, Google loves you and so does your credit card processor and then whap, whammy you are gone, out from the 1st page and onto the 10th. Nobody seems to love you anymore, your website has gone into oblivion and that Lego Indiana Jones set you promised your nephew is also out the window because the sales have dried up.

Ahhh, hold on, all of the above was just a dream because although you have lost your number 1 Google ranking, it was just a small part of a much larger jigsaw of promotion and marketing streams you had already built up and although you have taken a small dent lets look at one of the biggest, boldest new ways you can get new visitors and possibly even a remarkable number 1 ranking in Google Video search which through YouTube pops up on the 1st page of Google as well. As they say, anything is possible!

Utilizing video SEO and movie optimization is in fact one of the newest forms of search engine optimization and has become one of the most critical factors in online marketing success. But not many entrepreneurs that publish a website understand this! The problem they must contend with, however, is a desire to remain a little behind the times as far as the development of new and effective SEO strategies go. For example, many have not yet embraced the benefit of video SEO. This is unfortunate because video SEO and movie optimization are quickly becoming the preferred means in which an internet marketer can draw in huge amounts of traffic. And you would not want to be an old stick in the mud would you?

What is it about movie optimization that makes it so popular to those ‘in the know’? The answer is rather simple. People enjoy watching interesting and intriguing video clips online. This opens the door for video SEO to become wildly popular. With more people looking to view video clips online, more and more entrepreneurs will look towards movie optimization as the means in which to boost their traffic and search engine rankings. Yes, there are those that may resist a little. They fall into the comfort zone of doing what they have always done to promote their online ventures. While this is certainly such a person’s choice, it may prove to be a very limiting one. It is certainly much better to look towards a modern and viable method of search engine optimization as opposed to sticking with a traditional one.

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The bottom line factor here is that video SEO and movie optimization are the wave of the future. Those looking to take advantage of what such methods offer are well advised to explore the opportunities available.

So to sum up this little story, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Don’t rely on good old Google propping you up forever, and look at everything and anything that can give you a helping hand.

About the Author

Suzzi Law is an SEO PR writer for, full service submission and website promotion service provider since 2002.

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